Friday, March 23, 2018

Two Ink Minimum

Permanent Hangover Book 1

by Michel Prince

Genre: Tattoo(Inker), Contemporary Romance


In book one of Permanent Hangover: All Finn Gardner wanted was a breath of fresh air when he stepped into the alley behind the Permanent Hangover Bar and Tattoo Parlor. At first sight, he’d thought it was just another homeless person to shoo away from the building. Instead, he found someone who needed help—his help.
Having been given a second chance himself, Finn believes in paying it forward. The Hangover has taken more than one lost soul in over the years.
Bailey Parson needed to get away. She left her life in Chicago behind and escaped to St. Paul, but she never once thought far enough ahead to what her next step would be when she arrived there. To her, what she was running from, was much more to worry about than some half-baked plan. After a month stuck on the streets, a new need arises as the temperature started to drop—survival.
Given a chance by a stranger, Bailey works to find her way. Not only winning over customers and the staff with her smart wit and empathy, she wins over the standoffish tattoo artist.
Keeping their relationship forward focused, Finn hoped to avoid both of their baggage. However, when Bailey’s past threatens to destroy everything they built together, Finn’s left with decisions to make. Does he give up the beautiful curvy woman, the only one whose touch calms him? How much of his dark past would he need to unlock to save her? A past with the potential to destroy what they have together.
More importantly, can the lovers turn the scars of the past into a design strong enough to see them through any challenge? Or will the permanent ink leave them with open wounds and no chance of healing?


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“What’s that place like?”
“Loud tonight,” he replied. “You’ve never been?”
“No,” she shook her head a bit surprised he wasn’t catching on she was homeless.
“I’m Finn.” He extended his hand like she was a human being. The simple contact warmed her.
“Jane,” she said not wanting to let go of his warm hand, but knew she had to. “You a bartender?”
“Nah, they don’t really get breaks. I’m with the tattoo parlor.”
She finally paid attention to the sign on the back of the door that said Permanent Hangover. A whiskey bottle with two tattoo guns on either side reminded her of angel wings.
“What is this place?”
“Bar, club, whatever you want to call it with a few chairs for tattooing.” He cleared his throat. “So, Jane, I don’t suppose the last name is Doe?”
“Yes, are you psychic? Only I spell it the French way.”
“D-O-U-G-H,” he said, and she let out a laugh. “Jayne with a Y?”
“Exactly.” She stuffed her hand into the pouch of her sweatshirt. A cash business would be good. Waitressing at a place could get her some much-needed funds and if nothing else Bailey knew how to flirt. “Any chance they need a waitress? I know I don’t look like much, but I clean up pretty good.”
“I can see that,” he said as he approached her. Holding her ground, she fought the urge to flee. It was then the single light at the edge of the alley seemed far away. The exits, too. Now trapped, she wondered if she’d set herself up for an assault. Instead, he lifted the lid to the trash bin and tossed his empty can of Smash.
“You ever waitress before?”
“No, but I’ve worked in customer service.” Being an escort wasn’t exactly a resume builder. “Not for—I’ve never had a job really.”
“Garage sale maven?” he questioned.
“Are you sure you’re not my stalker?”

Author Bio

USA Today Bestselling author, Michel Prince, graduated with a bachelor degree
in History and Political Science. Michel writes new adult and adult paranormal
romance as well as contemporary romance.
Website & Social Media Links:
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