Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Mission Accomplished A Club Alias Novella Boxed Set

Cover Reveal & Preorder

Mission: Accomplished
A Club Alias Novella Boxed Set

Coming August 10, 2018

Brian is one of the four main characters in the Club Alias Series. They are a group of Doms who own a BDSM club, but are also mercenaries who work tirelessly to get rid of bad guys who slip through the judicial system’s cracks. Those evil people who escape justice with their loads of money and fancy lawyers—Imperium Security takes care of them and makes it all look like karma. Throughout the series, Brian frequently disappears to go on missions. These novellas are those missions. But little do the other guys know, quiet and serious Brian meets up with his free-spirited best friend with benefits, Clarice, during each job for a little motivation, and for his reward when the files are marked
 Mission: Accomplished.

Boxed Set of Standalone Novellas formerly in Amazon's Kindle Worlds for $1.99 each and ONLY in the US.
Get all 3 plus a Bonus Scene for the special price of $2.99! Now available Internationally!
Karma's Pawn
Until We Meet Again
Bonus: BDSM Club Scene

This cover is extra special to me. The beautiful model on the front is one of my most loyal readers, blogger Amanda the Babbling Bibliophile. She is a wife and mother with a passion for reading, and her enthusiasm and love she puts into every review makes all the work I put into writing my stories worth it! When she showed me her photos she'd gotten made for her hubby, I was blown away. I asked Amanda if I could use one for my book cover, and she told me she fell out of her chair at work! LOL! But seriously, she is the embodiment of Brian's soul mate, Clarice. I couldn't imagine a more gorgeous woman to grace the front of my book. 
Thank you, Amanda!

Cover created by the amazing Cassy Roop at Pink Ink Designs.

The Club Alias Series:
(Can be read as standalones)
Confession Duet (FREE on KU)

Coming Soon:

Wished for You (The Blogger Diaries Trilogy Book 1)
International/Non-Kindle Users, Click HERE.

Keep Updated by joining KD-Rob's Mob!

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