Why is lying to my boss so much easier than trying to lie to Quinn? She always had a way of knowing when I wasn’t telling the truth. I could never escape the scrutiny of her eyes when I told her one of my white lies about my personal life. She would want to know who I was dating and what she was like. I hid that side from her because those women never measured up to her. That’s why I never tried to lie to her and would often avoid her as we got older. I couldn’t risk her brother catching on to how I felt about his sister.
The day she got married almost killed me, but I had no recourse. Numbness took over as she gave her heart and body to another man. I wanted her for myself, but it would never happen. Her marriage was right for her because I could never step up.
Her brother is and always will be my best friend, no matter what they suspect him of. I would never betray him by dating his sister, especially with my disability, the one-legged wonder. He would want better for her, but I will find her and keep her safe.
The five-hour flight from Washington, DC to Las Vegas seems like five days. The plane ride is quiet as everyone on the team realizes the significance of rescuing Quinn so the program doesn't get into enemy hands.
Our contact with Deep 8 came about by accident, but if this program finds its way to the wrong people, it will have global consequences. We want boots on the ground at the Gold Point location to scout the area before rescuing Quinn. If they've hurt her, I can’t guarantee I’ll spare their lives to get information.
The plane touches down and two Jeep Cherokee Trackhawks wait for us. They loaded these vehicles with Hemi engines, pulling over 700 horsepower, equipped with every bell and whistle. The US government will spare no expense to get the MAGS program back in its hands. Sean, Mac, and I jump into the gray one, and Beck, Dean, and Declan get into the black Jeep. Sean guns the engine and peels out of the airport with a nearly four-hour trip ahead of us.
“Mac and I wanted to talk to you about how this is going to go down once we get there.” Sean’s eyes are on the road as his fingers grip the steering wheel tighter.
“Understood. What did you have in mind?” I say it as if I’m ready for anything, which I’m not. I’m the weakest link on this mission.
“We’re not exactly sure what waits for us once we get there. There isn’t a soldier on this team who doesn’t have a funny feeling about this. I’ve put some backup in place, and they guaranteed me they will be there. It would be best if you split off from us once we get Quinn. You need to get her alone and get her to talk about where her brother might be. We’re on a time crunch with this, but you’ll have to tread lightly. We’re not sure which side she’s on.” Sean uses diplomacy in his approach.

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